01. Introduction
Elite Apartment Design by Saud Design Studio is the creation of an ideal environment with luxury accents. We will create a cozy oasis in the bustling metropolis, where the warmth of home comfort will delight every day. Using modern technology, we create a unique, beautiful design of floors and ceilings. The apartment interior will reflect your high status, respectability, and impeccable taste.

02. Process
The first type is the easiest one. It contains the following information: the project design and the calculation of materials and equipment, which will be needed during the work.
If you want to change the appearance of the premises, you should try the second type of design project. Our specialist will offer you a complete plan, where you will find all the necessary information for a redevelopment of rooms in your house or apartment.
If you have a desire to change the appearance of the interior (for example, if you don't like it, or you are tired of it), then the decoration project will help you! This service is recommended when the client wants to change the interior of the room with the help of new design solutions. This service will not be too expensive because there is no need to perform major repairs.
A separate direction in apartment design is to create a studio apartment decorating ideas. This is a unique opportunity to implement the most creative ideas of designers. Studio apartment design is based on the harmonious combination of an ideal organization of space, absolute comfort, and perfect functionality. Studio apartment ideas are usually improvisation in a contemporary style, the use of smart home systems and strict correspondence to life rhythm of a real estate owner in Dubai.